Saturday, November 17, 2007

words randomly selected = event.

I still have the issue whereby I write a word and the next few days thereafter, something related to that word occurs.

This hampers my ability as a writer, being Superphysical and all...

M7 2007.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

timed Earthquake hits SF Bay Area...5.6.

Using Chronokinesis and verbal 'prophecy' ability, I said "Do you like Earthquakes?" & "Would you like one tomorrow?" (10/29/2007). So yesterday (10/30/2007) there was an Earthquake - 5.6 on the r/s scale, near San Jose, CA, and felt as far as northern CA.

M7 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

another one, made to ORDER.

M7 2007.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

someone is reading my book...

perhaps, but if someone who is 'intellectually immature' (believes in literal translation of scientific phenomenon as being a religious experience) reads it, they will think I am a character of their theology, and not a scientist...

M7 2007.

Friday, July 06, 2007


On July 4th 2007 I visited Foster City, CA. for their annual fireworks party.
I was wearing my Superphysics, Etc. shirt, and several people noticed and inquired about it.
One even knew a corporate official belonging to a website I used to make the shirt.

M7 2007.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

lector priests of AE

Unleash the power of the written word!

Whenever a person with Chronokinesis writes an action verb, i.e. writes in the fabric of Time using willpower, the action verb is imbued with energy. This energy is released when someone else reads it. A computer reads a Compact Disc while charged with electricity – out comes sound and light from this ‘magic box.’ In Ancient Egypt and in the Islamic World, there was much emphasis on reading sacred texts without using images. This not only made people literate, it also separated picture magic from literary magic (magic is the software, while psychic ability is the hardware). Hieroglyphs are a form of picture based writing, using pictographs to interpret a series of literary structures (a pictograph of a chariot added to the word form of chariot); the Lector-Priests read both written forms. It was the Lector-Priest who read, and thus unleashed, the power of the forescripted action verbs, mostly causing an event via Chronokinesis.

As a Kheri-Heb (Lector Priest) I often read ancient sentences or action verbs (the names of the Egyptian Gods for instance, which cause events) in the course of my sacred duties. Other people may try to duplicate this but they are not as developed. I was born with this ability of Chronokinesis, and have studied it for several years since first writing about it in Superphysics, Etc. book. Kheri-Heb priests were often useful if found to have developed telepathy, as this enabled them to contact the spirit dimension and resurrect or call back dead souls to Earth. My abilities could be equated with legendary Egyptians in varied parts of their cultural history (if I wanted to brag about it). Now with the Internet, reading sacred texts and causing events (earthquakes, flash floods, solar wind, etc.) is easier than just reciting papyrus texts.

© M7 Haroeris / Horus Michael I, 2007.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

my JAWs ache!

people like ideas. My Ideas. So they use them, in lectures, books, presentations, all without asking.
Then they pretend it was their ideas for social prestige. So, one day at a local museum a lecturer used some of my ideas for his presentation. From my website. When I used my website to talk about the presentation, my messages mysteriously vanished after I had written them... By him, no doubt, or an ally of his. So i posted them on web pages from the vanishing message board, permanent evidence of his plagiarist website vandalism. Who else has had this happen?

( = his website).
Temple of AmonRa2 on MSN Groups = M7.

M7 2007.